The radiation emitted by natural Uranium ores such as Autunite is usually very low. Normally there is little or no risk associated with these specimens. Rock collectors and amateur scientists can safely collect and store radioactive mineral specimens if common sense guidelines are followed. These guidelines are similar to how you would treat household cleansers or lawn care products. You are encouraged to develop guidelines to fit your situation. Remember, common sense goes a long way. * * *
2. Avoid direct contact with the specimen.
still radioactive. If you touch your specimen be sure to thoroughly wash with soap and water. Don't forget under the fingernails.
3. Never eat, drink, smoke or sleep near your specimen.
to remove any small fragments that may exist.
4. Take special care if children may frequent the area. Children are naturally curious and may be fascinated by your specimens. Store your specimens in a locked case or take security measures so children do not have access to them.
5. Label all radioactive specimens as radioactive.
6. Do not carry radioactive materials in your pocket or wear radioactive materials as jewelry.
7. Clean up any spills or broken particles with soap and water.
8. Check the area where you handle specimens for any chips or flakes.
Simply turn down the room lights and pass an ultra violet light over the area. Even the smallest particles will stand out and are easily cleaned up. It is also a good idea to check your hands and clothing in a similar manner.
9. If you collect more than a few specimens of radioactive materials
it is
be to sell or donate it to a local rock club, donate it to a university or other such organization or contact me for other options. BE RESPONSIBLE!
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