An exceptional  specimen of Autunite Crystals on matrix. This very large specimen
measures 7½ x7½ x 2 inches and weighs 101.0 ounces! The specimen is solid.

          Radiation is measured at well over 30,000 cpm Beta+Gamma(50+mR/hr) and 3.5 mR/hr
          Gamma only using a CDV 700 Geiger Counter.
          This would make a very nice Christmas present for the collector in your life!
          Due to the weight and size shipping will be slightly higher than the normal $6.00

The above photos were taken in natural light. In the photo on the right specimen was rotated about 135 degrees ccw.

These two photos were taken from about the same distance as the first photos using
long wave ultra violet light. The left one is about the same orientation as the one above it. The one on the right is about 45% clockwise of the one above it.

Two closer photos under Uv light. Crystal structure may be seen. Only a small part of the specimen is shown here.

Close up of some of the exceptional crystal structure. These are much brighter than in the photos!

More close up crystal structures. There are thousands of such crystal clusters!